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UGEARS models are the original awesome gift and hobby idea for kids and grown-ups of all ages. These beautiful mechanisms are made entirely of wooden materials. The models are self-propelled and require no electricity. It’s eco-friendly and very cool. No glue and special tools are needed for putting the models together. Fully assembled, the models are moving! Also, it's unforgettable time which you share with your beloved ones making real things together. It’s the exclusive models that can appear in the homes of those who assembled them with their own hands. We put special meaning and ideas in every model. It’s not just constructors but the pieces of art, real mechanisms that bring the beautiful world of mechanics closer and make it more comprehensible.

What is UGears?
Essentially, it is a wooden construction kit (or 3D- puzzle if you like) containing differently shaped details pressed in plywood sheets. UGears uses a high quality 3.5-3.7 mm thick plywood. The details are outlined with a CNC laser cutter that provides precise hairline cuts. The details come together in a mechanical model with attractive bold elements such as gears and drives.


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